Monday, January 11, 2021

Verse of the Day - January 6

Bible Verses About Happy - 25 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Happy" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (6), Proverbs (6) and Peter-1 (2). "Happy" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 25 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Wept - 68 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Wept" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (13), Samuel-2 (8) and Judges (6). "Wept" - mentioned in 22 books and occurs 68 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Beneath - 27 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Beneath" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (7), Deuteronomy (5) and Kings-1 (3). "Beneath" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 27 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Deals - 13 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Deals" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (9) and Leviticus (4). "Deals" - mentioned in 2 books and occurs 13 times in the King James Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Creature - 28 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Creature" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (8), Ezekiel (6) and Romans (5). "Creature" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 28 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Labour - 87 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Labour" - discussed most often in the books of Ecclesiastes (21), Psalms (9) and Proverbs (5). "Labour" - mentioned in 30 books and occurs 87 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Esaias - 21 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Esaias" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (6), Romans (5) and John (4). "Esaias" - mentioned in 6 books and occurs 21 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Covering - 43 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Covering" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (13), Exodus (10) and Isaiah (6). "Covering" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 43 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Standeth - 28 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Standeth" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (5), Deuteronomy (3) and Isaiah (3). "Standeth" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 28 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Restored - 24 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Restored" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (4), Kings-2 (4) and Judges (2). "Restored" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 24 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Remained - 51 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Remained" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (10), Joshua (6) and Kings-2 (5). "Remained" - mentioned in 20 books and occurs 51 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hebron - 68 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hebron" - discussed most often in the books of Samuel-2 (21), Chronicles-1 (17) and Joshua (16). "Hebron" - mentioned in 10 books and occurs 68 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Conversation - 20 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Conversation" - discussed most often in the books of Peter-1 (6), Psalms (2) and Ephesians (2). "Conversation" - mentioned in 10 books and occurs 20 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hypocrites - 20 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hypocrites" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (14), Job (2) and Luke (2). "Hypocrites" - mentioned in 5 books and occurs 20 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hearkened - 81 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hearkened" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (18), Exodus (8) and Genesis (7). "Hearkened" - mentioned in 20 books and occurs 81 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Coast - 52 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Coast" - discussed most often in the books of Joshua (22), Numbers (6) and Deuteronomy (6). "Coast" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 52 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Desired - 50 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Desired" - discussed most often in the books of Acts (12), Luke (6) and Psalms (5). "Desired" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 50 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Light - 235 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Light" - discussed most often in the books of Job (31), Psalms (24) and Isaiah (22). "Light" - mentioned in 46 books and occurs 235 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Asaph - 40 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Asaph" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-1 (12), Psalms (12) and Nehemiah (6). "Asaph" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 40 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Piece - 38 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Piece" - discussed most often in the books of Nehemiah (7), Luke (5) and Samuel-2 (3). "Piece" - mentioned in 18 books and occurs 38 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Dark - 42 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Dark" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (7), Leviticus (5) and Job (5). "Dark" - mentioned in 21 books and occurs 42 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Fifth - 59 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Fifth" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (9), Chronicles-1 (9) and Genesis (5). "Fifth" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 59 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Excellent - 34 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Excellent" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (8), Proverbs (5) and Daniel (5). "Excellent" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 34 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Star - 14 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Star" - discussed most often in the books of Revelations (5), Matthew (4) and Numbers (1). "Star" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 14 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Falsely - 21 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Falsely" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (8), Leviticus (4) and Genesis (1). "Falsely" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 21 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Nadab - 20 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Nadab" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-1 (7), Exodus (4) and Numbers (4). "Nadab" - mentioned in 5 books and occurs 20 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Faint - 41 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Faint" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (7), Samuel-1 (4) and Lamentations (4). "Faint" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 41 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Low - 42 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Low" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (8), Isaiah (8) and Chronicles-2 (4). "Low" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 42 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Comfort - 62 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Comfort" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (7), Job (6) and Corinthians-2 (6). "Comfort" - mentioned in 25 books and occurs 62 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Lies - 51 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Lies" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (10), Proverbs (7) and Isaiah (6). "Lies" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 51 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Tree - 169 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Tree" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (18), Isaiah (15) and Ezekiel (12). "Tree" - mentioned in 37 books and occurs 169 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Husband - 104 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Husband" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (12), Corinthians-1 (10) and Genesis (8). "Husband" - mentioned in 29 books and occurs 104 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Manna - 17 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Manna" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (4), Numbers (3) and John (3). "Manna" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 17 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Vanity - 79 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Vanity" - discussed most often in the books of Ecclesiastes (28), Psalms (14) and Isaiah (9). "Vanity" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 79 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Youth - 66 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Youth" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (11), Jeremiah (8) and Ezekiel (8). "Youth" - mentioned in 24 books and occurs 66 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Trespass - 73 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Trespass" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (27), Numbers (8) and Ezekiel (8). "Trespass" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 73 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Multiply - 42 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Multiply" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (16), Deuteronomy (9) and Ezekiel (5). "Multiply" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 42 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Foot - 91 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Foot" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (11), Exodus (10) and Psalms (9). "Foot" - mentioned in 29 books and occurs 91 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Shiloh - 31 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Shiloh" - discussed most often in the books of Samuel-1 (9), Joshua (8) and Jeremiah (5). "Shiloh" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 31 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Howl - 27 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Howl" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (10), Jeremiah (8) and Joel (3). "Howl" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 27 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Presence - 108 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Presence" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (16), Genesis (10) and Jeremiah (8). "Presence" - mentioned in 35 books and occurs 108 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hate - 85 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hate" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (27), Deuteronomy (9) and Proverbs (8). "Hate" - mentioned in 26 books and occurs 85 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Horns - 59 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Horns" - discussed most often in the books of Revelations (9), Exodus (8) and Leviticus (8). "Horns" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 59 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Perfect - 94 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Perfect" - discussed most often in the books of Job (10), Psalms (9) and Hebrews (9). "Perfect" - mentioned in 33 books and occurs 94 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Appear - 51 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Appear" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (5), Matthew (5) and Leviticus (4). "Appear" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 51 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Lame - 25 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Lame" - discussed most often in the books of Samuel-2 (6), Matthew (4) and Acts (3). "Lame" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 25 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Shouldest - 60 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Shouldest" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (6), Deuteronomy (5) and Genesis (4). "Shouldest" - mentioned in 26 books and occurs 60 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Wrote - 60 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Wrote" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (5), Jeremiah (5) and John (5). "Wrote" - mentioned in 25 books and occurs 60 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Scripture - 32 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Scripture" - discussed most often in the books of John (11), Romans (4) and Acts (3). "Scripture" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 32 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hungry - 29 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hungry" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (8), Psalms (5) and Job (3). "Hungry" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 29 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Standard - 18 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Standard" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (10), Jeremiah (5) and Isaiah (3). "Standard" - mentioned in 3 books and occurs 18 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Inherit - 61 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Inherit" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (9), Psalms (8) and Numbers (5). "Inherit" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 61 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Standing - 52 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Standing" - discussed most often in the books of Acts (8), Matthew (4) and Luke (4). "Standing" - mentioned in 22 books and occurs 52 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Voices - 16 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Voices" - discussed most often in the books of Revelations (8), Acts (3) and Luke (2). "Voices" - mentioned in 6 books and occurs 16 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Seer - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Seer" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-2 (8), Chronicles-1 (5) and Samuel-1 (3). "Seer" - mentioned in 5 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Merciful - 36 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Merciful" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (16), Deuteronomy (3) and Nehemiah (2). "Merciful" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 36 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Nebuchadnezzar - 57 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Nebuchadnezzar" - discussed most often in the books of Daniel (29), Jeremiah (10) and Kings-2 (6). "Nebuchadnezzar" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 57 times

Bible Verses About Purify - 13 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Purify" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (5), Job (1) and Isaiah (1). "Purify" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 13 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Trembled - 20 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Trembled" - discussed most often in the books of Samuel-1 (4), Psalms (3) and Jeremiah (2). "Trembled" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 20 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Speech - 48 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Speech" - discussed most often in the books of Job (6), Isaiah (4) and Corinthians-2 (4). "Speech" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 48 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hardened - 33 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hardened" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (15), Nehemiah (3) and Job (2). "Hardened" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 33 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Naphtali - 47 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Naphtali" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (10), Chronicles-1 (7) and Judges (6). "Naphtali" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 47 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Power - 260 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Power" - discussed most often in the books of Revelations (30), Psalms (22) and Corinthians-1 (19). "Power" - mentioned in 47 books and occurs 260 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Kindness - 43 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Kindness" - discussed most often in the books of Samuel-2 (8), Genesis (5) and Psalms (4). "Kindness" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 43 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Parents - 20 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Parents" - discussed most often in the books of John (6), Luke (5) and Matthew (1). "Parents" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 20 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About True - 77 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"True" - discussed most often in the books of John (19), Revelations (10) and Genesis (5). "True" - mentioned in 32 books and occurs 77 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Spread - 108 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Spread" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (17), Isaiah (10) and Numbers (8). "Spread" - mentioned in 31 books and occurs 108 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Sinner - 21 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Sinner" - discussed most often in the books of Luke (6), Ecclesiastes (5) and Proverbs (3). "Sinner" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 21 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Kindled - 65 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Kindled" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (10), Deuteronomy (6) and Psalms (6). "Kindled" - mentioned in 22 books and occurs 65 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Dieth - 26 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Dieth" - discussed most often in the books of Kings-1 (3), Job (3) and Ezekiel (3). "Dieth" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 26 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Wind - 113 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Wind" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (14), Job (12) and Jeremiah (11). "Wind" - mentioned in 28 books and occurs 113 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Colour - 13 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Colour" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (7), Leviticus (1) and Numbers (1). "Colour" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 13 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Silver - 282 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Silver" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (28), Chronicles-2 (21) and Numbers (18). "Silver" - mentioned in 42 books and occurs 282 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Mourn - 44 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Mourn" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (8), Ezekiel (5) and Job (3). "Mourn" - mentioned in 21 books and occurs 44 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Mountains - 167 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Mountains" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (30), Isaiah (24) and Psalms (20). "Mountains" - mentioned in 36 books and occurs 167 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Sware - 77 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Sware" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (24), Genesis (9) and Joshua (8). "Sware" - mentioned in 20 books and occurs 77 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Gibeah - 47 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Gibeah" - discussed most often in the books of Judges (24), Samuel-1 (12) and Samuel-2 (4). "Gibeah" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 47 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Thigh - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Thigh" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (6), Numbers (3) and Judges (3). "Thigh" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Trouble - 109 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Trouble" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (39), Isaiah (10) and Job (9). "Trouble" - mentioned in 27 books and occurs 109 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Ahasuerus - 29 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Ahasuerus" - discussed most often in the books of Esther (27), Ezra (1) and Daniel (1). "Ahasuerus" - mentioned in 3 books and occurs 29 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Forgotten - 46 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Forgotten" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (11), Psalms (9) and Isaiah (6). "Forgotten" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 46 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About City - 770 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"City" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (70), Joshua (52) and Ezekiel (44). "City" - mentioned in 47 books and occurs 770 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Secretly - 20 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Secretly" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (3), Job (3) and Jeremiah (3). "Secretly" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 20 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Seas - 25 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Seas" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (9), Psalms (5) and Genesis (2). "Seas" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 25 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Lots - 21 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Lots" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-1 (4), Joshua (3) and Nehemiah (2). "Lots" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 21 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Husbands - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Husbands" - discussed most often in the books of Ephesians (3), Peter-1 (3) and Ruth (2). "Husbands" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Westward - 26 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Westward" - discussed most often in the books of Joshua (10), Exodus (4) and Chronicles-1 (4). "Westward" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 26 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Selah - 75 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Selah" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (71), Habakkuk (3) and Kings-2 (1). "Selah" - mentioned in 3 books and occurs 75 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Measures - 36 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Measures" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (11), Kings-1 (5) and Kings-2 (3). "Measures" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 36 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Darkened - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Darkened" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (4), Ecclesiastes (2) and Romans (2). "Darkened" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Zedekiah - 60 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Zedekiah" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (47), Kings-2 (5) and Chronicles-2 (4). "Zedekiah" - mentioned in 5 books and occurs 60 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Worship - 102 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Worship" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (15), Revelations (14) and Isaiah (7). "Worship" - mentioned in 27 books and occurs 102 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Sworn - 47 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Sworn" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (7), Deuteronomy (6) and Jeremiah (5). "Sworn" - mentioned in 18 books and occurs 47 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hearken - 151 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hearken" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (22), Deuteronomy (20) and Isaiah (13). "Hearken" - mentioned in 27 books and occurs 151 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Learned - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Learned" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (3), Psalms (2) and Ezekiel (2). "Learned" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Locusts - 16 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Locusts" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (5), Chronicles-2 (2) and Nahum (2). "Locusts" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 16 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Help - 117 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Help" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (40), Isaiah (13) and Chronicles-2 (11). "Help" - mentioned in 26 books and occurs 117 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Cherub - 21 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Cherub" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (9), Kings-1 (4) and Exodus (2). "Cherub" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 21 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Loveth - 57 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Loveth" - discussed most often in the books of Proverbs (11), Psalms (9) and John-1 (8). "Loveth" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 57 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Nothing - 221 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Nothing" - discussed most often in the books of John (19), Mark (15) and Acts (15). "Nothing" - mentioned in 44 books and occurs 221 times in the Bible (KJV)

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American Standard Bible: Exodus Chapter 25

American Standard Bible: Exodus Chapter 25 Exodus 25:1 And Jehovah spake unto Moses, saying, Exodus 25:2 Speak unto the children of Israe...