Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Verse of the Day - March 21

Bible Verses About Stars - 50 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Stars" - discussed most often in the books of Revelations (8), Genesis (5) and Job (5). "Stars" - mentioned in 25 books and occurs 50 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Courses - 16 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Courses" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-2 (8), Chronicles-1 (4) and Judges (1). "Courses" - mentioned in 6 books and occurs 16 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Vine - 58 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Vine" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (7), Ezekiel (6) and Jeremiah (4). "Vine" - mentioned in 27 books and occurs 58 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Standing - 52 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Standing" - discussed most often in the books of Acts (8), Matthew (4) and Luke (4). "Standing" - mentioned in 22 books and occurs 52 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Carcase - 26 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Carcase" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (12), Kings-1 (6) and Deuteronomy (2). "Carcase" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 26 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hateth - 30 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hateth" - discussed most often in the books of Proverbs (10), John (5) and Deuteronomy (4). "Hateth" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 30 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Cubits - 128 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Cubits" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (47), Exodus (31) and Kings-1 (20). "Cubits" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 128 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Girded - 31 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Girded" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (5), Samuel-1 (4) and Samuel-2 (4). "Girded" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 31 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Peace - 400 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Peace" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (31), Isaiah (29) and Psalms (27). "Peace" - mentioned in 59 books and occurs 400 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Merry - 28 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Merry" - discussed most often in the books of Judges (5), Luke (5) and Proverbs (3). "Merry" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 28 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Meek - 16 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Meek" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (6), Isaiah (3) and Matthew (3). "Meek" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 16 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Fulness - 25 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Fulness" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (6), Ephesians (4) and Romans (3). "Fulness" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 25 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Showed - 131 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Showed" - discussed most often in the books of Acts (16), Psalms (10) and Isaiah (8). "Showed" - mentioned in 36 books and occurs 131 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Upper - 25 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Upper" - discussed most often in the books of Acts (5), Kings-2 (3) and Chronicles-2 (3). "Upper" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 25 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Presented - 18 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Presented" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (6), Genesis (2) and Judges (2). "Presented" - mentioned in 10 books and occurs 18 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hill - 71 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hill" - discussed most often in the books of Joshua (9), Samuel-1 (9) and Psalms (9). "Hill" - mentioned in 17 books and occurs 71 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Shoes - 21 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Shoes" - discussed most often in the books of Luke (4), Exodus (2) and Joshua (2). "Shoes" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 21 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Apart - 16 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Apart" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (5), Zecharia (3) and Leviticus (2). "Apart" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 16 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Army - 73 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Army" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (17), Chronicles-2 (9) and Ezekiel (9). "Army" - mentioned in 20 books and occurs 73 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Covereth - 27 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Covereth" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (6), Proverbs (6) and Job (4). "Covereth" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 27 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Firstfruits - 30 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Firstfruits" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (5), Exodus (4) and Nehemiah (4). "Firstfruits" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 30 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Whomsoever - 20 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Whomsoever" - discussed most often in the books of Daniel (4), Matthew (3) and Luke (3). "Whomsoever" - mentioned in 10 books and occurs 20 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Freewill - 17 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Freewill" - discussed most often in the books of Ezra (5), Leviticus (4) and Deuteronomy (4). "Freewill" - mentioned in 6 books and occurs 17 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Chaldeans - 65 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Chaldeans" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (42), Daniel (11) and Isaiah (6). "Chaldeans" - mentioned in 6 books and occurs 65 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hard - 45 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hard" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (4), Psalms (4) and Genesis (3). "Hard" - mentioned in 26 books and occurs 45 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Male - 45 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Male" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (12), Genesis (11) and Numbers (7). "Male" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 45 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Beside - 127 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Beside" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (23), Isaiah (12) and Kings-1 (9). "Beside" - mentioned in 31 books and occurs 127 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About True - 77 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"True" - discussed most often in the books of John (19), Revelations (10) and Genesis (5). "True" - mentioned in 32 books and occurs 77 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Wise - 237 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Wise" - discussed most often in the books of Proverbs (62), Ecclesiastes (23) and Matthew (16). "Wise" - mentioned in 39 books and occurs 237 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Prophesied - 47 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Prophesied" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (14), Samuel-1 (7) and Chronicles-2 (4). "Prophesied" - mentioned in 17 books and occurs 47 times

Bible Verses About Disease - 14 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Disease" - discussed most often in the books of Kings-2 (3), Chronicles-2 (3) and Matthew (3). "Disease" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 14 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Pride - 46 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Pride" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (6), Proverbs (6) and Isaiah (6). "Pride" - mentioned in 17 books and occurs 46 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Gracious - 30 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Gracious" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (7), Exodus (3) and Isaiah (3). "Gracious" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 30 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Prophecy - 21 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Prophecy" - discussed most often in the books of Revelations (7), Peter-2 (3) and Chronicles-2 (2). "Prophecy" - mentioned in 10 books and occurs 21 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Body - 151 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Body" - discussed most often in the books of Corinthians-1 (33), Matthew (11) and Luke (11). "Body" - mentioned in 35 books and occurs 151 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Slain - 168 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Slain" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (30), Samuel-2 (12) and Jeremiah (12). "Slain" - mentioned in 30 books and occurs 168 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Request - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Request" - discussed most often in the books of Esther (9), Samuel-2 (2) and Psalms (2). "Request" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Kindle - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Kindle" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (7), Isaiah (5) and Ezekiel (2). "Kindle" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Showeth - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Showeth" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (6), Job (2) and Proverbs (2). "Showeth" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Rising - 40 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Rising" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (11), Leviticus (6) and Isaiah (4). "Rising" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 40 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Suck - 18 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Suck" - discussed most often in the books of Job (3), Isaiah (3) and Deuteronomy (2). "Suck" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 18 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Beloved - 103 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Beloved" - discussed most often in the books of Song-of-Solomon (26), Romans (7) and Peter-2 (6). "Beloved" - mentioned in 32 books and occurs 103 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Enter - 144 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Enter" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (17), Luke (16) and Ezekiel (14). "Enter" - mentioned in 32 books and occurs 144 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Hitherto - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hitherto" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-1 (3), Samuel-1 (2) and Samuel-2 (2). "Hitherto" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Lifted - 149 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Lifted" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (27), Genesis (16) and John (10). "Lifted" - mentioned in 31 books and occurs 149 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Counsel - 137 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Counsel" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (18), Psalms (17) and Proverbs (13). "Counsel" - mentioned in 32 books and occurs 137 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Withal - 33 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Withal" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (8), Leviticus (4) and Chronicles-2 (2). "Withal" - mentioned in 21 books and occurs 33 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Heal - 38 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Heal" - discussed most often in the books of Luke (8), Matthew (5) and Psalms (3). "Heal" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 38 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Knew - 165 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Knew" - discussed most often in the books of John (23), Genesis (16) and Samuel-1 (15). "Knew" - mentioned in 35 books and occurs 165 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Raise - 58 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Raise" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (6), Jeremiah (5) and John (5). "Raise" - mentioned in 29 books and occurs 58 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Deny - 22 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Deny" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (5), Mark (4) and Luke (4). "Deny" - mentioned in 10 books and occurs 22 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Shoulder - 40 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Shoulder" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (8), Ezekiel (6) and Genesis (5). "Shoulder" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 40 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Sickness - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Sickness" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-2 (3), Matthew (3) and Deuteronomy (2). "Sickness" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Gird - 26 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Gird" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (4), Isaiah (3) and Ezekiel (3). "Gird" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 26 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Heifer - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Heifer" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (6), Deuteronomy (3) and Jeremiah (3). "Heifer" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Gilead - 92 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Gilead" - discussed most often in the books of Judges (18), Joshua (15) and Chronicles-1 (12). "Gilead" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 92 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Colour - 13 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Colour" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (7), Leviticus (1) and Numbers (1). "Colour" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 13 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Laban - 44 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Laban" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (43) and Deuteronomy (1). "Laban" - mentioned in 2 books and occurs 44 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Manifest - 37 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Manifest" - discussed most often in the books of John (5), Corinthians-1 (5) and Corinthians-2 (5). "Manifest" - mentioned in 18 books and occurs 37 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Prove - 25 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Prove" - discussed most often in the books of Judges (4), Deuteronomy (3) and Exodus (2). "Prove" - mentioned in 17 books and occurs 25 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Break - 133 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Break" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (19), Isaiah (18) and Ezekiel (15). "Break" - mentioned in 31 books and occurs 133 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Thirst - 31 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Thirst" - discussed most often in the books of John (6), Isaiah (4) and Deuteronomy (2). "Thirst" - mentioned in 18 books and occurs 31 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Stumble - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Stumble" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (6), Isaiah (5) and Proverbs (3). "Stumble" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Consume - 51 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Consume" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (7), Deuteronomy (6) and Psalms (5). "Consume" - mentioned in 22 books and occurs 51 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Wander - 14 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Wander" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (4), Numbers (2) and Job (2). "Wander" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 14 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Tender - 39 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Tender" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (10), Genesis (3) and Deuteronomy (3). "Tender" - mentioned in 17 books and occurs 39 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Balaam - 57 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Balaam" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (47), Joshua (3) and Deuteronomy (2). "Balaam" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 57 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Rejected - 26 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Rejected" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (6), Samuel-1 (5) and Luke (4). "Rejected" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 26 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Goodly - 33 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Goodly" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (3), Deuteronomy (3) and Exodus (2). "Goodly" - mentioned in 21 books and occurs 33 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Lives - 25 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Lives" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (4), Genesis (3) and Samuel-2 (3). "Lives" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 25 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Uttered - 16 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Uttered" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (2), Job (2) and Psalms (2). "Uttered" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 16 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Zerah - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Zerah" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-1 (8), Joshua (4) and Genesis (3). "Zerah" - mentioned in 6 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hang - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hang" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (5), Deuteronomy (2) and Esther (2). "Hang" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Nothing - 221 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Nothing" - discussed most often in the books of John (19), Mark (15) and Acts (15). "Nothing" - mentioned in 44 books and occurs 221 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Keeper - 21 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Keeper" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (5), Samuel-1 (3) and Esther (3). "Keeper" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 21 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Eagle - 23 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Eagle" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (4), Ezekiel (4) and Jeremiah (3). "Eagle" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 23 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Hate - 85 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hate" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (27), Deuteronomy (9) and Proverbs (8). "Hate" - mentioned in 26 books and occurs 85 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Speak - 483 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Speak" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (41), Jeremiah (34) and Numbers (29). "Speak" - mentioned in 53 books and occurs 483 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Daughters - 224 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Daughters" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (53), Ezekiel (25) and Jeremiah (17). "Daughters" - mentioned in 31 books and occurs 224 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Sackcloth - 45 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Sackcloth" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (9), Esther (4) and Jeremiah (4). "Sackcloth" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 45 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Straight - 28 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Straight" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (5), Isaiah (4) and Luke (3). "Straight" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 28 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Cursed - 68 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Cursed" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (18), Genesis (7) and Jeremiah (5). "Cursed" - mentioned in 20 books and occurs 68 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Resurrection - 40 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Resurrection" - discussed most often in the books of Acts (10), Matthew (5) and Luke (5). "Resurrection" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 40 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Serve - 193 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Serve" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (26), Deuteronomy (25) and Exodus (23). "Serve" - mentioned in 32 books and occurs 193 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Battle - 163 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Battle" - discussed most often in the books of Samuel-1 (21), Samuel-2 (21) and Chronicles-1 (17). "Battle" - mentioned in 26 books and occurs 163 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Fatness - 17 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Fatness" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (5), Isaiah (4) and Genesis (2). "Fatness" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 17 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Findeth - 25 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Findeth" - discussed most often in the books of Proverbs (7), Matthew (5) and John (4). "Findeth" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 25 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Bringeth - 70 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Bringeth" - discussed most often in the books of Proverbs (11), Psalms (9) and Isaiah (9). "Bringeth" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 70 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Wonders - 55 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Wonders" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (14), Acts (9) and Exodus (6). "Wonders" - mentioned in 20 books and occurs 55 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Arrows - 39 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Arrows" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (13), Samuel-1 (5) and Ezekiel (4). "Arrows" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 39 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Believeth - 39 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Believeth" - discussed most often in the books of John (14), Romans (8) and Corinthians-1 (4). "Believeth" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 39 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Command - 102 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Command" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (40), Leviticus (8) and Jeremiah (6). "Command" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 102 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Rebellious - 34 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Rebellious" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (15), Deuteronomy (5) and Isaiah (5). "Rebellious" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 34 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Serpents - 13 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Serpents" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (2), Deuteronomy (2) and Matthew (2). "Serpents" - mentioned in 10 books and occurs 13 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Pity - 29 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Pity" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (7), Deuteronomy (5) and Jeremiah (3). "Pity" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 29 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Seat - 53 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Seat" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (16), Acts (6) and Samuel-1 (5). "Seat" - mentioned in 20 books and occurs 53 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Daughter - 288 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Daughter" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (42), Jeremiah (22) and Lamentations (18). "Daughter" - mentioned in 34 books and occurs 288 times

Bible Verses About Tables - 40 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Tables" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (12), Exodus (9) and Ezekiel (5). "Tables" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 40 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Steps - 38 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Steps" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (10), Job (6) and Ezekiel (6). "Steps" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 38 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Counsellors - 21 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Counsellors" - discussed most often in the books of Daniel (6), Ezra (5) and Proverbs (4). "Counsellors" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 21 times in the Bible.

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Basic English Bible: Isaiah Chapter 46

Isaiah 46:1 Bel is bent down, Nebo is falling; their images are on the beasts and on the cattle: the things which you took about have becom...