Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Jefferson Bible - Page II

He is circumcised and Named and they Return to Nazareth.

AND when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS.

2 And when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth.

Study Verses from the King James Bible

Bible Verses About Appearance - 25 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Appearance" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (14), Daniel (3) and Numbers (2). "Appearance" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 25 times in the Bible.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Ammon - 85 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Ammon" - discussed most often in the books of Judges (27), Samuel-2 (15) and Chronicles-1 (13). "Ammon" - mentioned in 18 books and occurs 85 times in the Bible.

The Revelation of Saint John the Devine (The New Testament)
Revelations - John predicts the final showdown between God and Satan. Christians will be vindicated when Christ returns and the wicked are forever destroyed.

Bible Verses About Talents - 35 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Talents" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-2 (8), Matthew (6) and Kings-1 (5). "Talents" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 35 times in the Bible.

Chapter 17 - (page 384) - The Second Book of the Chronicles (The King James Bible)....
Chapter 17 - (page 384) - 2 Chronicles is the second book of the official history for Judah and Israel. The book focuses from the time of King Solomon to the captivity in Babylonian.

Chapter 26 - (page 76) - The Second Book of Moses: Called Exodus (The New Testament)
Chapter 26 - (page 76) - Exodus describes the story of how God used Moses to free the Jews from slavery in Egypt. Their crossing of the Red Sea and the giving of the Ten Commandments.

Bible Verses About Skin - 66 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Skin" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (40), Job (9) and Exodus (5). "Skin" - mentioned in 10 books and occurs 66 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Issue - 15 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Issue - There are 15 verses using Issue in 10 books. Issue is discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (4), Daniel (2) and Isaiah (2). The World English Version of the bible.

(page 6) - Bible Verses About House - 1959 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 6) - House - There are 1959 verses using House in 59 books. House is discussed most often in the books of 2_Chronicles (173), Ezekiel (155) and 1_Kings (141). The World English Bible.

Bible Verses About Testament - 13 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Testament" - discussed most often in the books of Hebrews (6), Corinthians-2 (2) and Matthew (1). "Testament" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 13 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Proclaim - 88 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Proclaim - There are 88 verses using Proclaim in 33 books. Proclaim is discussed most often in the books of Acts (11), Jeremiah (8) and Isaiah (5). The World English Bible (WEB)

Bible Verses About Show - 342 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Show - There are 342 verses using Show in 51 books. Show is discussed most often in the books of Psalms (31), Isaiah (18) and Deuteronomy (17). The Holy World English Bible (WEB)

Chapter 25 - (page 102) - The Book of 1 Samuel - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 25 - (page 102) - Israel establishes a monarchy. Saul is the first King. God instructs Samual to anoint David as the next. David and Goliath. The Book of 1 Samuel. English.

Bible Verses About Met - 137 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Met - There are 137 verses using Met in 39 books. Met is discussed most often in the books of Acts (13), Luke (12) and John (9). The Holy World English Bible (WEB) of the bible.

(page 19) - Bible Verses About Ear - 5231 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 19) - Ear - There are 5231 verses using Ear in 68 books. Ear is discussed most often in the books of Psalms (464), Genesis (330) and Jeremiah (305). The Holy World English Bible (WEB)

Chapter 45 - (page 523) - The Book of Psalms (The New Testament - King James Bible)...
Chapter 45 - (page 523) - Psalms is a collection of songs, poems, prayers and praises to God. The Psalms communicate various themes and circumstances from laments to thanks and/or joy.

Chapter 31 - (page 184) - The Fifth Book of Moses: Called Deuteronomy (New Testament)
Chapter 31 - (page 184) - Deuteronomy ("repetition of the Law") reminds God's people about his covenant. Joshua is chosen to lead the people to the promised land. The death of Moses.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Gentiles - 79 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 1) - Gentiles - There are 79 verses using Gentiles in 17 books. Gentiles is discussed most often in the books of Acts (23), Romans (18) and Galatians (8). The World English Version.

Chapter 9 - (page 1167) - The Book of Revelation - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 9 - (page 1167) - John sees visions of things that have been, things that are, and things that are yet to come. The final showdown between God and Satan. The Book of Revelation.

Bible Verses About Bullocks - 44 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Bullocks" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (21), Chronicles-2 (5) and Ezra (4). "Bullocks" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 44 times in the Bible.

Chapter 40 - (page 785) - The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah (The King James Bible).....
Chapter 40 - (page 785) - Jeremiah the prophet warned people about their sins and the destruction that would result. He foretold the captivity of Judah, its sufferings, and its freedom.

Jesus Makes An Heroic Choice - The Children's Bible Stories
Jesus Makes An Heroic Choice - The Children's Bible Stories - Selections from the Old and New Testaments. Translated and Arranged By Henry A. Sherman an...

Bible Verse of the Day November 24 - Daily Scripture (kjv)
November 24 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 34:15 * Psalms 42:6 * Psalms 18:4 * Proverbs 29:22 * Proverbs 17:10 * Psalms 74:19 * Psalms 109:16

Bible Verses About Consider - 66 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Consider" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (13), Isaiah (8) and Deuteronomy (4). "Consider" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 66 times in the Bible.

Daily Scripture November 16 - Bible Verse of the Day (kjv)
November 16 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 119:110 * Proverbs 19:23 * Proverbs 15:8 * Psalms 66:19 * Proverbs 22:12 * Proverbs 8:12 * * * *

Bible Verses About Fetched - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Fetched" - discussed most often in the books of Samuel-2 (4), Genesis (3) and Samuel-1 (2). "Fetched" - mentioned in 10 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Days - 815 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Days - There are 815 verses using Days in 49 books. Days is discussed most often in the books of Genesis (61), Jeremiah (51) and Acts (49). The Holy World English Version (WEB)

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Scribes - 70 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 1) - Scribes - There are 70 verses using Scribes in 11 books. Scribes is discussed most often in the books of Matthew (22), Mark (21) and Luke (15). The Holy World English Bible (WEB)

Chapter 7 - (page 310) - The Book of Deuteronomy - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 7 - (page 310) - Moses provides more instruction regarding the laws provided by God. God remind the people about his covenant. Joshua leads Israel to the Promised land.Moses dies.

Chapter 8 - (page 965) - The Gospel According to Saint Mark (The King James Bible)...
Chapter 8 - (page 965) - Gospel of St. Mark describes the life of Jesus and the miracles he performed. It shows that Jesus is the Messiah who was sent to suffer and to restore mankind.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Bare - 178 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Bare" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (52), Chronicles-1 (23) and Isaiah (8). "Bare" - mentioned in 30 books and occurs 178 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Throne - 180 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Throne - There are 180 verses using Throne in 29 books. Throne is discussed most often in the books of Revelation (36), 1_Kings (29) and Psalms (21). The World English Version.

Chapter 38 - (page 88) - The Second Book of Moses: Called Exodus (The New Testament)
Chapter 38 - (page 88) - Exodus describes the story of how God used Moses to free the Jews from slavery in Egypt. Their crossing of the Red Sea and the giving of the Ten Commandments.

Bible Verses About Makest - 26 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Makest" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (10), Job (2) and Jeremiah (2). "Makest" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 26 times in the Bible (KJV)

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Burned - 96 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Burned" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (24), Kings-2 (11) and Isaiah (8). "Burned" - mentioned in 31 books and occurs 96 times in the Bible.

(page 4) - Bible Verses About Gather - 419 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 4) - Gather - There are 419 verses using Gather in 43 books. Gather is discussed most often in the books of Matthew (28), Isaiah (27) and Numbers (22). The World English Bible (WEB)

Chapter 4 - (page 54) - The Second Book of Moses: Called Exodus (The New Testament)
Chapter 4 - (page 54) - Exodus describes the story of how God used Moses to free the Jews from slavery in Egypt. Their crossing of the Red Sea and the giving of the Ten Commandments.

Bible Verse of the Day September 30 - Daily Scripture (kjv)
September 30 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Psalms 39:7 * Proverbs 15:28 * Psalms 119:43 * Psalms 136:18 * Psalms 68:5 * Psalms 146:8 * Psalms 55:9

Chapter 15 - (page 1061) - The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans (Bible).......
Chapter 15 - (page 1061) - Epistle to the Romans by Paul presents God's plan of salvation and righteousness for all humankind. It discusses the sovereignty of God and spiritual growth.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Wrought - 98 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Wrought" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-2 (8), Exodus (7) and Deuteronomy (6). "Wrought" - mentioned in 38 books and occurs 98 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Wounded - 35 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Wounded" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (4), Jeremiah (3) and Ezekiel (3). "Wounded" - mentioned in 22 books and occurs 35 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Offerings - 210 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Offerings" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (42), Numbers (35) and Chronicles-2 (26). "Offerings" - mentioned in 29 books and occurs 210 times

Bible Verses About Breath - 42 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Breath" - discussed most often in the books of Job (11), Psalms (6) and Isaiah (6). "Breath" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 42 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Micaiah - 27 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Micaiah - There are 27 verses using Micaiah in 5 books. Micaiah is discussed most often in the books of 2_Chronicles (12), 1_Kings (10) and Jeremiah (2). The World English Bible.

Bible Verses About Perform - 41 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Perform" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (6), Deuteronomy (5) and Psalms (4). "Perform" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 41 times in the Bible.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Live - 1569 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 1) - Live - There are 1569 verses using Live in 62 books. Live is discussed most often in the books of Genesis (153), Psalms (127) and Ezekiel (85). The Holy World English Bible (WEB)

Bible Verses About Proclaim - 23 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Proclaim" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (6), Leviticus (5) and Isaiah (2). "Proclaim" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 23 times in the Bible.

Bible Verse of the Day September 8 - Daily Scripture (kjv)
September 8 Bible Verses of the Day - Scriptures: Proverbs 6:6 * Psalms 17:1 * Psalms 119:28 * Psalms 118:19 * Psalms 138:4 * Psalms 119:44 * Psalms 112:10

Bible Verses About Speech - 57 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Speech - There are 57 verses using Speech in 26 books. Speech is discussed most often in the books of Job (9), 2_Corinthians (4) and Isaiah (4). The World English Version (WEB)

Bible Verses About Trembled - 20 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Trembled" - discussed most often in the books of Samuel-1 (4), Psalms (3) and Jeremiah (2). "Trembled" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 20 times in the Bible.

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Basic English Bible: Isaiah Chapter 46

Isaiah 46:1 Bel is bent down, Nebo is falling; their images are on the beasts and on the cattle: the things which you took about have becom...