Monday, March 14, 2022

Spring Bible Study - 15

Chapter 7 - (page 857) - The Book of Daniel (The New Testament - King James Bible)...
Chapter 7 - (page 857) - Daniel tells how God protected and provided for the faithful during captivity. It includes the story of the Lion's den and a vision of future redemption and hope.

Chapter 7 - (page 936) - The Gospel According to Saint Matthew (The King James Bible)
Chapter 7 - (page 936) - Matthew discusses the life of Jesus and contains his ministry. It shows how his conception, birth, life, death, ministry and resurrection fulfilled Scriptures.

Bible Verses About Corruption - 21 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Corruption" - discussed most often in the books of Acts (6), Peter-2 (3) and Psalms (2). "Corruption" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 21 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Fowl - 31 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Fowl" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (16), Leviticus (4) and Ezekiel (3). "Fowl" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 31 times in the Bible (KJV)

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Trees - 136 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Trees" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (25), Judges (11) and Kings-1 (11). "Trees" - mentioned in 32 books and occurs 136 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Record - 26 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Record" - discussed most often in the books of John (7), John-1 (3) and Deuteronomy (2). "Record" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 26 times in the Bible.

Chapter 10 - (page 221) - The Book of Judges (The New Testament - King James Bible)...
Chapter 10 - (page 221) - Judges describes problems in the promised land. The death of Joshua and stories of Samson and Delilah. The Lord raises up leaders (judges) to restore peace.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Verily - 113 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Verily" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (30), John (25) and Mark (15). "Verily" - mentioned in 22 books and occurs 113 times in the Bible (KJV)

Chapter 139 - (page 617) - The Book of Psalms (The New Testament - King James Bible)...
Chapter 139 - (page 617) - Psalms is a collection of songs, poems, prayers and praises to God. The Psalms communicate various themes and circumstances from laments to thanks and/or joy.

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Wrath - 194 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Wrath" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (27), Job (16) and Proverbs (16). "Wrath" - mentioned in 41 books and occurs 194 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Shushan - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Shushan" - discussed most often in the books of Esther (17), Nehemiah (1) and Daniel (1). "Shushan" - mentioned in 3 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Egypt - 558 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Egypt" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (109), Genesis (73) and Jeremiah (54). "Egypt" - mentioned in 32 books and occurs 558 times in the Bible.

Chapter 1 - (page 1063) - The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians....
Chapter 1 - (page 1063) - 1 Corinthians goal was to address and correct the immorality and divisions in the church and to clear up some of the confusions about practices of worship.

Bible Verses About Sabbath - 116 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Sabbath" - discussed most often in the books of Luke (17), Exodus (12) and Leviticus (12). "Sabbath" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 116 times in the Bible.

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Appointed - 126 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Appointed" - discussed most often in the books of Nehemiah (9), Samuel-1 (7) and Chronicles-2 (7). "Appointed" - mentioned in 33 books and occurs 126 times

Chapter 22 - (page 289) - The Second Book of Samuel (New Testament - King James Bible)
Chapter 22 - (page 289) - Second Samuel describes the reign of King David. Under The Lord causes the nation to prosper. Solomon is born. The ark is moved to a new capital (Jerusalem).

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Heathen - 145 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Heathen" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (44), Psalms (37) and Jeremiah (6). "Heathen" - mentioned in 26 books and occurs 145 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Beseech - 64 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Beseech" - discussed most often in the books of Corinthians-2 (5), Numbers (4) and Psalms (4). "Beseech" - mentioned in 31 books and occurs 64 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Stricken - 17 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Stricken" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (4), Joshua (3) and Genesis (2). "Stricken" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 17 times in the Bible.

Chapter 30 - (page 30) - The First Book of Moses: Called Genesis (The New Testament)
Chapter 30 - (page 30) - Genesis describes the creation of all things, the creation of Adam and Eve, their lives in the Garden of Eden, the history of man up to the Exodus from Egypt.

Bible Verses About Curse - 92 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Curse" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (17), Jeremiah (11) and Deuteronomy (8). "Curse" - mentioned in 29 books and occurs 92 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Beauty - 49 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Beauty" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (12), Psalms (9) and Isaiah (9). "Beauty" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 49 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Fountains - 15 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Fountains" - discussed most often in the books of Revelations (4), Proverbs (3) and Genesis (2). "Fountains" - mentioned in 8 books and occurs 15 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Solemn - 29 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Solemn" - discussed most often in the books of Lamentations (4), Numbers (3) and Chronicles-2 (3). "Solemn" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 29 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Worthy - 66 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Worthy" - discussed most often in the books of Luke (12), Matthew (8) and Acts (7). "Worthy" - mentioned in 21 books and occurs 66 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Mother - 226 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Mother" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (25), Genesis (18) and Mark (18). "Mother" - mentioned in 36 books and occurs 226 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Testify - 28 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Testify" - discussed most often in the books of John (5), Deuteronomy (4) and Acts (4). "Testify" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 28 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Mention - 23 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Mention" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (7), Jeremiah (3) and Psalms (2). "Mention" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 23 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Governor - 56 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Governor" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (8), Acts (8) and Ezra (6). "Governor" - mentioned in 18 books and occurs 56 times in the Bible (KJV)

(page 3) - Bible Verses About Fire - 506 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 3) - "Fire" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (69), Ezekiel (43) and Jeremiah (40). "Fire" - mentioned in 47 books and occurs 506 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Lust - 64 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Lust - There are 64 verses using Lust in 29 books. Lust is discussed most often in the books of 2_Peter (5), Romans (5) and 1_John (4). The World English Bible (WEB) of the bible.

Scriptures on Help - Verses from King James Bible (kjv)
Scriptures on Help. 36 Bible Verses: Psalms 22:19 * Luke 10:40 * Chronicles 2 20:9 * Chronicles 2 14:11 * Psalms 108:12 * Jeremiah 37:7 * Hosea 13:9 *

Bible Verses About Dead - 331 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Dead" - discussed most often in the books of Romans (23), Samuel-2 (22) and Acts (22). "Dead" - mentioned in 45 books and occurs 331 times in the Bible (KJV)

Book of Enoch: Book of Noah--a Fragment: Chapter LX
Book of Enoch: Book of Noah--a Fragment: Chapter LX, - Discusses, the watchers, angels, visions, heaven, hell, devils, fallen angels, the Messiah, fallen angels

Bible Verses About Kidneys - 14 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Kidneys - There are 14 verses using Kidneys in 5 books. Kidneys is discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (9), Exodus (2) and Isaiah (1). The World English Version (WEB)

Chapter 15 - (page 202) - The Book of Joshua (The New Testament - King James Bible)...
Chapter 15 - (page 202) - Joshua describes military victories including the fall of Jericho, the partition of Canaan. The Israelites are allowed into the land promised of their fathers.

Bible Verses About Daughters - 224 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Daughters" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (53), Ezekiel (25) and Jeremiah (17). "Daughters" - mentioned in 31 books and occurs 224 times in the Bible.

Chapter 15 - (page 168) - The Fifth Book of Moses: Called Deuteronomy (New Testament)
Chapter 15 - (page 168) - Deuteronomy ("repetition of the Law") reminds God's people about his covenant. Joshua is chosen to lead the people to the promised land. The death of Moses.

Chapter 2 - (page 283) - The Book of Baruch - Modern English - World English Bible (WEB)
Chapter 2 - (page 283) - Baruch did read the words of this book in the hearing Jechonias the son of Joachim king of Juda, and in the ears of all the people that came to hear the book.

Bible Verses About Wrought - 98 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Wrought" - discussed most often in the books of Chronicles-2 (8), Exodus (7) and Deuteronomy (6). "Wrought" - mentioned in 38 books and occurs 98 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About West - 64 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"West" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (22), Joshua (10) and Isaiah (5). "West" - mentioned in 18 books and occurs 64 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Destroy - 243 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Destroy" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (25), Jeremiah (24) and Psalms (21). "Destroy" - mentioned in 44 books and occurs 243 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Cords - 26 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Cords" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (5), Numbers (4) and Psalms (4). "Cords" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 26 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Appoint - 36 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Appoint" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (4), Jeremiah (4) and Ezekiel (4). "Appoint" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 36 times in the Bible.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Perish - 118 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Perish" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (17), Job (11) and Jeremiah (10). "Perish" - mentioned in 33 books and occurs 118 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Season - 55 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Season" - discussed most often in the books of Luke (6), Numbers (5) and Psalms (4). "Season" - mentioned in 30 books and occurs 55 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Angels - 91 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Angels" - discussed most often in the books of Revelations (22), Matthew (13) and Hebrews (12). "Angels" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 91 times in the Bible.

Chapter 50 - (page 528) - The Book of Psalms (The New Testament - King James Bible)...
Chapter 50 - (page 528) - Psalms is a collection of songs, poems, prayers and praises to God. The Psalms communicate various themes and circumstances from laments to thanks and/or joy.

Bible Verses About Doctrine - 50 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Doctrine" - discussed most often in the books of Timothy-1 (8), Mark (5) and Acts (4). "Doctrine" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 50 times in the Bible.

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Chief - 328 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Chief" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (58), Chronicles-1 (50) and Acts (39). "Chief" - mentioned in 34 books and occurs 328 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Birds - 24 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Birds" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (4), Jeremiah (4) and Genesis (3). "Birds" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 24 times in the Bible.

Chapter 6 - (page 56) - The Second Book of Moses: Called Exodus (The New Testament)
Chapter 6 - (page 56) - Exodus describes the story of how God used Moses to free the Jews from slavery in Egypt. Their crossing of the Red Sea and the giving of the Ten Commandments.

Bible Verses About Desolation - 72 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Desolation - There are 72 verses using Desolation in 19 books. Desolation is discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (21), Ezekiel (13) and Isaiah (10). The World English Bible.

Bible Verses About Enough - 32 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Enough" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (5), Proverbs (4) and Exodus (3). "Enough" - mentioned in 20 books and occurs 32 times in the Bible.

Chapter 4 - (page 977) - The Gospel According to Saint Luke (The King James Bible)...
Chapter 4 - (page 977) - Gospel of St. Luke describes the life of Jesus from birth to death and resurrection. It contains the most parables and presents Jesus as the Savior of all men.

Bible Verses About Rebuke - 44 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Rebuke" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (9), Psalms (7) and Proverbs (5). "Rebuke" - mentioned in 23 books and occurs 44 times in the Bible (KJV)

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Kingdom - 316 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Kingdom" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (54), Daniel (43) and Luke (43). "Kingdom" - mentioned in 42 books and occurs 316 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Separation - 19 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Separation" - discussed most often in the books of Numbers (13), Leviticus (5) and Ezekiel (1). "Separation" - mentioned in 3 books and occurs 19 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Drawn - 27 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Drawn" - discussed most often in the books of Joshua (7), Numbers (2) and Deuteronomy (2). "Drawn" - mentioned in 15 books and occurs 27 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Punish - 32 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Punish" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (15), Isaiah (5) and Hosea (3). "Punish" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 32 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Womb - 75 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Womb - There are 75 verses using Womb in 20 books. Womb is discussed most often in the books of Job (10), Isaiah (9) and Luke (9). The World English Version (WEB) of the bible.

Bible Verses About Anger - 228 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Anger" - discussed most often in the books of Jeremiah (35), Psalms (25) and Isaiah (22). "Anger" - mentioned in 36 books and occurs 228 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Pharisees - 84 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Pharisees" - discussed most often in the books of Matthew (29), Luke (21) and John (19). "Pharisees" - mentioned in 5 books and occurs 84 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Wages - 32 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Wages - There are 32 verses using Wages in 22 books. Wages is discussed most often in the books of Genesis (5), 2_Peter (2) and Ezekiel (2). The Holy World English Version (WEB)

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Room - 156 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
(page 2) - Room - There are 156 verses using Room in 32 books. Room is discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (28), Jeremiah (12) and Nehemiah (10). The Holy World English Bible (WEB)

Bible Verses About Clean - 117 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Clean" - discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (39), Numbers (11) and Job (8). "Clean" - mentioned in 24 books and occurs 117 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Perceived - 35 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Perceived" - discussed most often in the books of Luke (5), Samuel-2 (3) and Nehemiah (3). "Perceived" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 35 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Glorious - 44 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Glorious" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (12), Psalms (8) and Corinthians-2 (5). "Glorious" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 44 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Signs - 52 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Signs" - discussed most often in the books of Acts (8), Exodus (7) and Deuteronomy (6). "Signs" - mentioned in 20 books and occurs 52 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Try - 17 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Try" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (3), Jeremiah (3) and Job (2). "Try" - mentioned in 12 books and occurs 17 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Damsel - 35 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Damsel" - discussed most often in the books of Deuteronomy (10), Genesis (8) and Mark (6). "Damsel" - mentioned in 9 books and occurs 35 times in the Bible.

(page 2) - Bible Verses About Heathen - 145 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 2) - "Heathen" - discussed most often in the books of Ezekiel (44), Psalms (37) and Jeremiah (6). "Heathen" - mentioned in 26 books and occurs 145 times in the Bible.

Verses About God's Love - 104 Scriptures - King James Bible (KJV)
God'sLove - discussed most often in the books of John 1 (20) and Deuteronomy (12). This is a collection of 104 verses about God's Love - King James Bible (kjv)

Bible Verses About Office - 45 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Office" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (14), Chronicles-1 (7) and Numbers (5). "Office" - mentioned in 14 books and occurs 45 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Great - 915 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Great" - discussed most often in the books of Revelations (67), Psalms (65) and Ezekiel (49). "Great" - mentioned in 57 books and occurs 915 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Abomination - 69 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Abomination" - discussed most often in the books of Proverbs (19), Deuteronomy (12) and Leviticus (11). "Abomination" - mentioned in 18 books and occurs 69 times

Bible Verses About Root - 43 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Root" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (8), Job (5) and Matthew (4). "Root" - mentioned in 19 books and occurs 43 times in the King James Bible.

Bible Verses About Fly - 23 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Fly" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (4), Job (3) and Psalms (3). "Fly" - mentioned in 13 books and occurs 23 times in the King James Version.

Bible Verses About Knees - 30 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Knees" - discussed most often in the books of Genesis (3), Judges (3) and Kings-1 (3). "Knees" - mentioned in 17 books and occurs 30 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Dove - 47 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Dove - There are 47 verses using Dove in 15 books. Dove is discussed most often in the books of Leviticus (9), Song_of_Solomon (7) and Genesis (6). The World English Bible (WEB)

Bible Verses About Less - 27 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Less" - discussed most often in the books of Job (5), Numbers (3) and Exodus (2). "Less" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 27 times in the King James Bible.

Chapter 16 - (page 945) - The Gospel According to Saint Matthew (The King James Bible)
Chapter 16 - (page 945) - Matthew discusses the life of Jesus and contains his ministry. It shows how his conception, birth, life, death, ministry and resurrection fulfilled Scriptures.

Bible Verses About Perverse - 36 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Perverse - There are 36 verses using Perverse in 15 books. Perverse is discussed most often in the books of Proverbs (18), 2_Samuel (2) and Deuteronomy (2). The World English Bible.

(page 1) - Bible Verses About Chief - 328 passages - King James Version (KJV)
(page 1) - "Chief" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (58), Chronicles-1 (50) and Acts (39). "Chief" - mentioned in 34 books and occurs 328 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Clouds - 49 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Clouds" - discussed most often in the books of Job (11), Psalms (11) and Proverbs (3). "Clouds" - mentioned in 21 books and occurs 49 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Mischief - 46 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Mischief" - discussed most often in the books of Psalms (13), Proverbs (11) and Exodus (4). "Mischief" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 46 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Michal - 17 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Michal" - discussed most often in the books of Samuel-1 (9), Samuel-2 (7) and Chronicles-1 (1). "Michal" - mentioned in 3 books and occurs 17 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Stay - 30 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Stay" - discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (8), Leviticus (4) and Samuel-1 (2). "Stay" - mentioned in 16 books and occurs 30 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Manifest - 37 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Manifest" - discussed most often in the books of John (5), Corinthians-1 (5) and Corinthians-2 (5). "Manifest" - mentioned in 18 books and occurs 37 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Accursed - 15 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Accursed" - discussed most often in the books of Joshua (8), Galatians (2) and Deuteronomy (1). "Accursed" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 15 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Almighty - 57 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Almighty" - discussed most often in the books of Job (31), Revelations (8) and Genesis (6). "Almighty" - mentioned in 11 books and occurs 57 times in the Bible.

Bible Verses About Faint - 58 passages - World English Bible (WEB)
Faint - There are 58 verses using Faint in 23 books. Faint is discussed most often in the books of Isaiah (11), Psalms (5) and 1_Samuel (4). The Holy World English Version (WEB)

Chapter 34 - (page 713) - The Book of the Prophet Isaiah (King James Bible Version)...
Chapter 34 - (page 713) - Isaiah is a book of prophecy. It foretells and contains detailed knowledge about the conception, birth, life, death and the impact of the coming of Jesus Christ.

Bible Verses About Stuff - 13 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Stuff" - discussed most often in the books of Samuel-1 (3), Ezekiel (3) and Genesis (2). "Stuff" - mentioned in 7 books and occurs 13 times in the Bible (KJV)

Bible Verses About Hail - 34 passages - King James Version (KJV)
"Hail" - discussed most often in the books of Exodus (14), Psalms (6) and Isaiah (3). "Hail" - mentioned in 10 books and occurs 34 times in the King James Bible.

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Basic English Bible: Isaiah Chapter 46

Isaiah 46:1 Bel is bent down, Nebo is falling; their images are on the beasts and on the cattle: the things which you took about have becom...